What are ‘mixed content’ errors and how do I resolve them?

What are ‘Mixed Content’ Errors?

‘Mixed Content’ errors occur when a secure HTTPS webpage is trying to load resources, such as images, videos, stylesheets or scripts, over an insecure HTTP connection. This can pose a security risk as the insecure content can be manipulated by attackers, leading to compromised user data or altered webpage behavior.

How to View ‘Mixed Content’ Errors

To view ‘Mixed Content’ errors, you need to access the browser’s console. Here’s how to do it in popular browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Right-click anywhere on the webpage, select ‘Inspect’, and then click on the ‘Console’ tab.
  • Firefox: Right-click on the webpage, select ‘Inspect Element’, and then click on the ‘Console’ tab.
  • Safari: First, enable the Develop menu in Safari’s Advanced preferences. Then, right-click on the webpage, select ‘Inspect Element’, and click on the ‘Console’ tab.

In the console, ‘Mixed Content’ errors typically appear as warnings stating that the page is loading mixed content.

How to Fix ‘Mixed Content’ Errors

The most effective way to fix ‘Mixed Content’ errors in WordPress is to update all HTTP content to HTTPS. This can be a tedious task if done manually, especially for larger websites.

That’s why we recommend using the ‘Search and Replace’ plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows you to directly replace all instances of HTTP URLs with their HTTPS counterparts in your database.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Install and activate the ‘Search and Replace’ plugin in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to ‘Tools’ > ‘Search & Replace’ in your dashboard.
  3. In the ‘Search for’ field, enter your website’s URL starting with ‘http://’.
  4. In the ‘Replace with’ field, enter your website’s URL starting with ‘https://’.
  5. Click on the ‘Do Search & Replace’ button.

Remember to back up your database before using the plugin, as the changes made are irreversible.

By ensuring all content is loaded over a secure HTTPS connection, you can eliminate ‘Mixed Content’ errors, improving your website’s security and user trust.