Reseller Hosting has been our bread and butter since inception, and its what we do beautifully.
Ideal for multi-site hosting, development / design agencies or web hosting providers – our reseller hosting is second to none.
Our cPanel reseller hosting has been designed from the ground up to provide consistent, leading edge performance with our fully redundant NVMe cloud infrastructure.
Our cloud infrastructure is built on 100% NVMe storage and AMD EPYC CPUs for unbeatable performance, suitable for even the most demanding workloads.
Both our VPS and Public Cloud are based on identical infrastructure – however, VPS servers are fully scalable per-resource (CPU, RAM and Storage), whereas our Public Cloud offers you the flexibility of simple, usage based billing.
All fixed plans above 100 accounts will be scaled in increments of 50 Accounts, adding £10/month in incremental licensing cost per block of 50 Accounts. This equates to £0.20 per account.
When a licensed server reaches the account limit of any fixed plan, an upgrade is required in order to add more accounts to that server. Upgrading between two fixed plans will require payment of the difference in price between the two fixed plans. For example, upgrading from cPanel Admin (£14.95/month) to cPanel Pro (£24.95/month) will cost £10 to upgrade. Please note we are unable to prorate upgrades that occur in the middle of your monthly billing cycle