Introduction Redis is a powerful in-memory data structure store that is often used as a database, cache, and message broker. We are excited to announce that Redis is now available on our DirectAdmin servers, allowing users to improve their website performance with efficient caching solutions.
This guide will walk you through enabling and managing Redis from the DirectAdmin control panel.
Accessing Redis in DirectAdmin
- Log in to your DirectAdmin control panel.
- If you are a reseller, please ensure you are accessing the ‘User’ in DirectAdmin
- Navigate to Dashboard > Advanced Features > Redis

Checking Redis Status
- When you open the Redis section, you will see the current status of Redis for your account.
- If Redis is disabled, a message stating “This account has Redis disabled.” will appear.
- To enable Redis, simply click the green “ENABLE” button.
Path to Redis Socket File
- Once enabled, Redis will run using a Unix socket file.
- The path to the Redis socket file is displayed as:
- You will need this path to configure Redis for your applications.
Using Redis with Your Applications
- When integrating Redis with your applications (such as WordPress, Laravel, Magento, etc.), specify the Redis socket file path instead of the default Redis TCP connection.
- Some plugins may require a port to be entered – this should be set to 0, or blank
Troubleshooting and Common Issues
- If your application cannot connect, verify that it is configured to use the Redis socket path correctly.
- If Redis is consuming excessive resources, consider setting an expiration time on cache keys or limiting memory usage in your application’s Redis configuration.
Conclusion Redis is a valuable tool for improving website performance through caching and efficient data handling. With our DirectAdmin integration, enabling and managing Redis is now easier than ever. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact our support team for assistance.