Diagnosing a slow website using PHP X-Ray to find bottlenecks

When a website or application feels like its ‘slow performing’, the common assumption is that its a ‘server issue’, whereas in many cases the bottleneck in terms of performance can be within the application / script itself. 

When a website does slow down, there can be issues within the code which traditionally have been difficult to diagnose. We are now proud to announce that we offer ‘PHP X-Ray’ to allow you to generate reports for your sites giving you a deep insight into performance-related issues. 

PHP X-Ray, included with all of our Shared / Reseller and Premium Hosting plans, provides detailed information on performance bottlenecks within your PHP applications or WordPress installations. If a site has sluggish plugins, database queries, functions, or external calls, the X-Ray tool helps pinpoint the underlying problem.

PHP X-Ray was specifically designed to address performance issues on PHP and / or WordPress based websites such as:

  • Slow Plugins
  • Slow database queries
  • Slow functions
  • Slow external calls