Both pieces of software will provide you with all of the tools you need for resellers, or web hosting, there really is not a wrong choice. There are a few things to take into consideration though. As of late 2019, cPanel requires a license fee per user, which increases the price of the software significantly. Which is one of the biggest advantages of DirectAdmin – it is the most cost effective piece of software out of the two. As mentioned before, DirectAdmin is the most user friendly, however, cPanel does come with more tools and features, and although a premium for the product is priced, you are also getting your money’s worth here too. Also, if you can invest some time in getting over the learning curve of cPanel, then you will understand why it is the most popular.

So before making your decision, it’s good to ask yourself the following questions:

  • How experienced am I?
  • What costs am I willing to spend?
  • Do I require every single web hosting utility under the sun
  • Do I need an easy to use interface or one which is feature-rich?
  • How much time can I dedicate to learning the software?